Fight The New Drug -the Harmful Effects of Pornography
So there is this new movement called Fight The New Drug and basically they just try to tell everyone about how porn is harmful and the cool thing is they are completely non-religious and non-political, which is honestly one of the reasons I like it so much, because they aren't just doing it, because it's against their faith but because it's harmful. Well, the point is it's a great movement and I want to tell you more about it!
So here is how I got involved:
My older sister has been involved in it for a while and has all the shirts. And I never really took it seriously until my older brother got my two brothers and me t-shirts for our b-days. So then when my older and cooler brothers wore them (mainly around the house). I had thought about getting one before but I thought I was too young so I figured once I got older I get involved, but here's the thing I think that if people see me wearing it, it might be pretty effective because I am so young and more specifically a teen. So that's my very lame and very short story about how I was introduced.
Now for the actual subject of porn. I feel like porn is this disgraceful and secret cousin we keep hidden in a closet and NEVER talk about. Honestly, this is easy for me to say who is at home typing this up on a laptop and rarely mentions it in public. I mean if the opportunity comes up and I get the chance I might, but the thing is I would only do that with Catholic people/friends, but anyone else this could turn into a very awkward situation very fast.
I remember leaving the porn talk at the Steubenville youth conference and I walked out of there and thought to myself "Wow! Literally, everyone is on porn". Now before I go more into this I hope you noticed that I said on porn, as if it was a drug, because that is what Fight the New Drug is all about, telling people that it is a drug. So back to me thinking everyone I know was on porn. The thing is that I really cannot be sure if anyone I know is addicted to porn, because it is this deep and dark secret that people keep hidden from everyone. So I also want to link this app that helps people to get off of porn. There are also things like net nanny and covenant eyes. Net nanny helps to block porn, while covenant eyes have you pick a friend/relative that gets notified whey you view porn. So if you're really trying to stop consider making your partner your mom... I really think that would help. I also wanna say that no one should ever judge anyone for looking at porn, especially since we have no idea what they have been through and I am not saying that people who are addicted should use their life circumstances as an excuse. I am just saying that we have no idea what they have gone through.
"Among the effects of the use of pornography are an increasingly negative attitude toward women, decreased empathy for victims of sexual violence… and an increase in dominating and sexually imposing behavior."
So here is how it fuels sex trafficking and if you would like to hear more about it click here. So one of the main ways are this: when people view porn they then want to act on their impulse and would be more likely to want to pursue what is depicted on the screen. This is the supply and demand connection. And even if there is only a slight chance (which there is not) that stopping the demand would help bring about an end to sex trafficking than we should try to end it that way.
There are many other connections such that the traffickers use porn to give them "inspiration" and in some cases the victims of sex trafficking our forced to watch porn.
So now that I am hopefully showing you a connection here's a fact that will make you sick to your stomach "To begin with, nearly half of sex trafficking victims report that pornography was made of them while they were in bondage." Wow... That is so horrible it makes me want to throw up. I think now you should be able to see the connection.
So to end this happy post thanks for reading! See you next time!
Here's a pic of me in mt porn kills love shirt if you would like to buy one you can here. Man, I really should be getting paid to do all this free advertisement...
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